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With the advent of technology, new and improved ways of managing ports and terminals have emerged. The progressive adoption of automation in all port process flows and activities has resulted in major improvements in the way maritime trade is conducted.

Let’s start by defining what port automation entails.

Port Automation – The Basics

The use of integrated technology to establish intelligent solutions for efficient management of traffic and trade flows on the port, thus increasing port capacity and performance, is known as port automation.

Smart ports (also known as automated ports) use cloud-based software to help create the operational flows that keep the port running smoothly. Many ports around the world now have technology incorporated to some degree, if not for total management. Due to global government policies and the rapid growth of maritime trade, the number of smart ports has gradually increased.

The level of automation varies from port to port, depending on the port’s capability, location, the volume of cargo handled, and economic value. The scale of port automation has expanded to unparalleled levels as mega-ports have grown in size.


The Scope of Port Automation

The progression of port automation can be seen in a variety of ways. This would include material offloading and cargo handling systems, ship record digitization, inventory control, infrastructure development, ship docking, and maintenance assistance, and more.

The gates, Ship-to-Shore cranes, and stacks are the three main areas of port automation in general.

      • Automation:  The port gates serve as a vital checkpoint for identifying and documenting all entities entering and exiting the port. Additional security checks, customs, verification, immigration, and quarantine are all included for ships. These are critical activities that must be completed to preserve the port’s reputation and necessitate the introduction of strict security measures. 

Due to manual limits, these procedures take a lot of time as the amount of container traffic through the port grows. Basic processes like entry/exit logs, authentication, and docking payments can all be automated with the right technology. This makes the whole process run even more smoothly and efficiently.

      • Ship-to-shore cranes: During the ship-to-shore delivery of cargo transported by ships, logistics management with IoT comes into play. Cranes, both manned and unmanned, are commonly used for unloading. When it comes to container transportation, only 30 terminals around the world can be called completely automated.

          Unmanned horizontal transportation or unmanned yard cranes are used to carry containers from ships to the port using automated cranes. These are then categorized according to the form of freight and stacked in the inventory accordingly. These container handling systems are reliable, consistent, and effective. Since the cranes are operated by a computer, the planning and execution process becomes incredibly smooth, resulting in the best possible results in the shortest time frame.

      • Stacks and Inventory: It’s time for the robots to take over once the cargo has been offloaded at the port. Containers are stacked according to the category defined using cargo handlers and stacking cranes. The inventory is often handled by the date of inland departure. When the container is ready to be dispatched for further transportation, robots are used to move it to the appropriate station and prepare it for the journey ahead.

It’s time for the robots to take over once the cargo has been offloaded at the port. Containers are stacked according to the category defined using cargo handlers and stacking cranes. The inventory is often handled by the date of inland departure. Robots are once again used to carry the container to the assigned station and prepare it for the path ahead.


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